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This bundle course is for individuals aiming to pass PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Exam in the first attempt.

Our Bundle Package contains the following:

PMI ACP Training Course

This course offers you 45+ High-Quality Training videos to help you pass the official PMI ACP Certification Exam.

Our PMI-ACP® Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the PMI-ACP® exam objectives for the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, and the library of Agile resources PMI recommends.

PMI ACP Realistic Mock Tests

This course gives you a Revision Notes pdf and 6 practice tests, 360 hand-picked questions to help you to pass the official " PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) " certification Exam.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can take this bundle course?

If you work on Agile teams or if your organization is adopting Agile practices, the PMI-ACP bundle course is a good choice for you.

What are the benefits of PMI-ACP Certification?

Gaining a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) Certification is extremely beneficial to your profession in the field of Agile Project Management.

1. The certified PMI-ACP Credential holders will gain knowledge of Agile tools and practices to the current employees working in an organization.

2. Being an Agile Certified Practitioner implies that you have earned an attestation that shows your professional ability.

3. Gaining the PMI ACP certification increases your adaptability in Agile technologies that will increase the team productivity and enhance the customer satisfaction.

4. This course helps you to learn practical techniques for planning, estimating the cost of the project in an Agile way.